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Import from tesla-apiscraper (BETA)

This is a multi-step process to export your data from a tesla-apiscraper InfluxDB backend, convert it to a format that can be imported into TeslaMate (specifically TeslaFi CSV) while fixing up some typical data glitches the scraper produces, and then import it.


  • A copy of the data stored by tesla-apiscraper - specifically the /opt/apiscraper/influxdb folder mounted in the standard apiscraper Docker configuration. Create a backup of this before attempting the export and conversion, just in case.

  • A system running Docker with sufficient RAM for InfluxDB to perform the CSV export. This does not need to be the same machine where API Scraper and/or TeslaMate was/is running - you can do the export and conversion on your PC/Mac. The important thing is to give the Docker machine more than 2GB of RAM, otherwise the InfluxDB export may fail.

  • CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DATA before attempting to import anything into TeslaMate. This is all highly experimental and has only been successfully done once :)



All of this is experimental and has not been extensively tested. If you encounter an error during Part 1 or Part 2, please create an issue in the tesla-apiscraper-to-teslafi-export project on GitHub, since it's not directly related to TeslaMate.

Part 1: Exporting the API Scraper InfluxDB data into CSV

  1. Download or clone the tesla-apiscraper-to-teslafi-export repository into a folder on your machine.

  2. Place the tesla-apiscraper data folder contents (data, meta and wal folders) into the influxdb-data folder, next to the file. The folder structure must look like this:

    ├── influxdb-export.bat
    ├── (other stuff)
    └── influxdb-data
    ├── data
    ├── meta
    └── wal
  3. Run the script (or influxdb-export.bat if you're on Windows). You may need to sudo it / run it in an Administrator command line prompt if your Docker install needs root. It will do the following:

    • Create the influxdb-csv output folder, if it doesn't exist yet
    • Start an InfluxDB Docker container with the influxdb-data and influxdb-csv folders mounted (on Windows, you may need to allow your Docker to access the drive you are working on for the mounts to work)
    • Wait for the container to report as healthy
    • Execute the export commands for all data stored by apiscraper, putting the CSV files inside the influxdb-csv folder
    • Stop and delete the InfluxDB container

    This may take a little while. After the process has finished, if there are no errors reported, continue with the next part of the instructions.

Part 2: Converting exported InfluxDB CSV files to TeslaFi CSV

  1. Obtain your Tesla's vehicle ID number. It's a 10- or 11-digit number that uniquely identifies your car, and is part of the TeslaFi data format, but it's not included in tesla-apiscraper data - so you need to source it separately. There are several ways you can get it:

    • Manually using the Tesla API. The number is listed under vehicle_id in the vehicles response, as documented here:
    • From the database of another Tesla API tracker you're already using, such as TeslaMate (docker compose exec database psql teslamate teslamate -c 'select vid from cars;').
  2. Run the script (or teslafi-convert.bat if you're on Windows). You may need to sudo it / run it in an Administrator command line prompt if your Docker install needs root. It will do the following:

    • Create the teslafi-csv output folder, if it doesn't exist yet
    • Build and start a Docker container with the converter app and its few dependencies, with the influxdb-csv and teslafi-csv folders mounted (on Windows, you may need to allow your Docker to access the drive you are working on for the mounts to work)
    • Ask you for the vehicle ID mentioned above
    • Process the CSV files in the influxdb-csv folder. This may take a couple minutes. Progress is displayed as the converter works its way through the files
    • Stop and delete the Docker container

    The finished TeslaFi-compatible CSV files are now located in the teslafi-csv folder.

Part 3: Importing the processed CSV data into TeslaMate

  • Proceed with the TeslaFi import steps using the CSV files you just created.